Disclaimer: This article was written in 2010 and does not reflect current knowledge. It was written when there seemed to be confusion on what Methyl-1-Etiocholenolol-Epietiocholanolone was.
It is now well established that this compound is a diol precursor to methyl-1-testosterone.
A new prohormone has been released! (OK, don't get too excited it's more like a re-release, but I'll write about it anyway) and it just warms my heart to type those words. I thought the era of prohormones was over with the January 2010 ban. How could I be so foolish? The "new" re-release is... ALPHA ONE by CEL.
CEL makes clones, that is what they do, and I have zero disrespect for that. They provide a whole array of pure compounds to the consumer and we the consumer appreciate that. The name is Alpha One, therefore the first thing that comes to mind is a Methyl-1 Alpha clone. Methyl-1 Alpha was released by Legal Gear, about a year after the 2004 ban. I believe it was their follow up product to M-1-P. I looked at the active compound listed and sure enough, Methyl-1-Etiocholenolol-Epietiocholanolone. The same ingredient that was listed in Legal Gear’s M-1-A, now that is where the easy part came to an end.
Armed with the simple knowledge that Alpha One was the same as M-1-A, I set off to write just that... Then I questioned if anyone knew the exact compound and I found some varying answers. I decided to write a hypothesis of this prohormone’s active ingredient.
Inspecting the strange nomenclature, one may suspect two separate compounds. Methyl-1-Etiocholenolol and separately Epietiocholanolone . The label lists the entire name followed by a 20mg quantification of active ingredient present. Since there is no mention of a proprietary blend, I believe Etiocholane is synonymous with 5b-androstane pictured in (Figure 1).
Etiocholane is used to denote a 19-carbon steroid structure. From past experience we know methyl-1-test (Figure 2) is a testosterone/DHT similar molecule with a 17-alpha methyl group added for oral bioavailability and the double bond in the first ring is located at the 1 position instead of the 4 position which is present in testosterone. Methyl-1-Etiocholenolol-Epietiocholanolone is most likely a 17-alpha alkylated steroid being that the name starts with methyl and current naming trends follow suit. Next the etiocholane name is changed to have an -en instead of the -an which would show that it does contain a double bond in the molecule. The 1 in the name most likely denotes this double bond is at the 1 position. Finally, the -olol at the end denotes a diol, which should suggest hydroxyl groups at the 3rd and 17th position. This would give us a diol version of methyl-1-testosterone (Figure 3), which would be a direct precursor to M-1-T with the conversion of the -OH by 3β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD) to a ketone.
Methyl-1-Etiocholenolol-Epietiocholanolone analogues
Then the term epietiocholanolone is added to the end of the name separated by a dash. Epietiocholanolone is another name for epi-5-beta androsterone (Figure 4). That would be an androstane with a hydroxyl at the 3 position and a ketone at the 17 position. This compound requires a two-step conversion to become an active androgen. The 17-keto converts to a 17-hydroxyl via 17β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and the 3-Hydroxy is converted to a ketone via 3β-HSD. Ultimately converting to the 5-alpha reduced androgen dihydrotestosterone aka DHT.
Based on the nomenclature those are the two compounds that I would hypothesize to be in this supplement. However, a post at had RUMORED that Patrick Arnold said this compound is 7a-Methylandrost-1-ene-3b-ol-17-one (Figure 5).
Which is basically Androsterone with a double bond @ the 1 position and a methyl group at the 7 position. So this product requires conversions at the 1st and 17th position to become the active form of 7alpha alkylated 1-testosterone (Figure 6).
If that suggestion is true, this would be a precursor to 7a-methyl-1-testosterone which is very cool but most likely would lack the strength of a M1T precursor. However, the bottle is dosed at 20mg's a pill and has a max dose of 60mg's, for a max of three weeks which is like dosing for other methylated prohormones. It is also not recommended as a first time PH; H-Drol and E-Stane are suggested to be weaker. This would indicate that there is a strong compound in the product. If it were an androsterone derivative it would be dosed much higher for a longer period. My hypothesis is that it is either a diol version of M-1-T (Figure 3) or a diol version of 7alpha alkylated M-1-T (Figure 7).
Now, if that is the case you can expect the diol version of M-1-T to be as M-1,4-AD is to D-Bol or as Halodrol and clones are to Turinabol(because M-1,4-AD is a diol version of D-Bol and H-Drol a diol version of T-Bol).
If it is the 7-alpha alkylated version I would expect it to be extremely androgenic. This is because M-1-T is 5-alpha reduced (lacking the 4-ene) which adds to androgenicity, similar to DHT. M-1-T is actually 2220% more androgenic than normal testosterone. I believe the addition of the 7a-methyl group will increase the androgenicity even more. This modification has been used before for the purpose of male contraceptives ie. 7a-methyl-19-nortestosterone also referred to as MENT or Trestolone. This is a nandrolone molecule with a 7-alpha alkylation to increase androgen receptor binding of nandrolone. It cannot be 5-alpha reduced so perhaps it will not be as active in the prostate but will still bind strongly to androgen receptors to cause the testes to shut down.